Rethinking Health

Health: the backbone of our ReDock village in Spain. The service design concept in the village is influenced by this human need. The landscape of health is in dire need of a roadmap. An avalanche of articles, books, health programs etc. shows the importance of the subject… but at the same time it makes it difficult to create overview.

In order to create insight, we simply took a look at both ends of the health spectrum: the worst examples and the best examples for healthy countries/communities, and learned our lessons.

Topping the list of most obese countries in the world is the island of Samoa.
Being part of the US, the cheapest shortcut to food is fast food every day, which took a devastating toll on general health. Imagine these people would go back to their old ways, and restart to grow their own vegetables and catch their own fish? What a money would be saved on obese treatment and what a happiness would bring this to the Samoans! Talking about a healthy business case…

The healthiest people on the planet live in communities generally known as Blue Zones. Also the Amish are an exemplary healthy community.
They traditionally live by a light healthy diet with vegetables, beans and less meat than the average portion. This in combination with an active outdoor life makes a perfect combination for health.

So there it is. We decided our ReDock village in Spain should embrace the best characteristics of the healthiest communities we encountered.  Being almost completely self sufficient the cooperation can define their own diet and farm it on their own plot. By sharing a communal task on the land, sufficient movement and outside air is guaranteed to build up resistance against all that threatens our health.

Might it be so simple? As said, other communities prove it to be so. So why not make it happen for us? Just literally by taking care of what you put in the ground and what you take out, we also can refine our physical wellbeing. We’ll talk about that next time!

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