The future of workspaces

During our research of the city, the land and the ways we would like to learn, live and work truly we believe to have hit the sweet spot.

Until recently the development of workplaces in the countryside has been quite sad.  Due to a lack of work caused by mono cropping and city developments, activity was deteriorating dramaticly. But change is in the air! In the last years we see an upcoming type of entrepreneur. Young and ambitious ‘farmers’ that are discovering new and combined business cases within a sustainable setting. The technologies and communication tools they embrace are state of the art while the scale is small and in balance. Often these farms turns into multidisciplinary little villages where farmers, students & start ups meet and work in harmony.

Meanwhile in the cities, workplaces have developed from industrial and hierarchical designed production floors into healthy, green, life style offices where employees can work, eat healthy food, power nap and sport. Reason for this development is the focus on healthy working and a need for creativity and value creation. This inspires companies to design over the top offices with gardens, patio’s and meeting plaza’s.

The logical next step for creative workplaces, where value creation is key, would be to move the workplace to the countryside in stead of designing offices that try to look like the countryside. By teaming up with the inspiring young and ambitious entrepreneurs, the multidisciplinary villages can expand and become creative, remote settings where life style and sustainable living is a given. Adding the flexibility to choose short and long stay plus the never dying flame of life long education will add up to what we call a village to ReDock standard!

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